Shoot him already! |
While the update does cover a great deal, everything is subject to change from now until release so somethings that are mentioned may change between now and then.
Currently Multicrew looks like one ship and its owner with up to two other players as crew members. This is achieved in two ways, first there is an 'LF Crew/LF Ship' kind of deal where if you activate it you are automatically matched as crew to an 'open' ship. The other way is to directly invite your mates onto your bridge until all your spare seats are filled. You'll be able to have two player crew members along with your single AI crew member,
When joining another ship as crew, your ship is logged out wherever it is in the galaxy and you appear on the bridge of the ship you are joining. While there will be those who will probably complain, something about immersion, it is the more fun thing to do. You'll be able to leave when you choose, unless summarily booted out the airlock by the ships owner at the helm. Either way you return to your own vessel quick sharp.
So far, three roles have been announced: Helm, Gunner and Fighter Pilot. The Helm apparently can only be occupied by the owner of the ship and I'm guessing perhaps their AI crew member while guest crew can skip between the latter two at will. I would like to be able to permit someone else to take the Con but have the option to override them as you saw fit. For instance a veteran pilot is riding shotgun with a rookie and they have just been interdicted, the greenhorn is way out of their depth so they pass the Helm over to their more experienced copilot who can get them out of trouble. The Helm will be flying the ship as per usual, with control of power management, fixed and gimballed weapons, navigation and synthesis. I presume they will also have control of utility modules such as heat sinks and chaff.
The Fighter Pilot is exactly that, they pilot the fighters instead of or as well as your AI crew person. only now you can have two people controlling fighters at the same time. This will mean that those dual fighter bays now have a reason for existing as you'll be able to launch both fighters together for twice the fun. I would like to see this role extended to include driving the SRV on a planets surface while the mother ship is flying air support, should make some surface missions more manageable.
there looks to be other benefits to Multicrew other than yelling instructions at one another. Frontier are toying with the idea of having discounted ship rebuy costs per crew member and having an extra power pip per crew member available in the power distributor, having up to eight instead of the standard six. all bounty or combat vouchers are to be duplicated for each member of the crew instead of split as it is in a wing of ships. However, all fines and bounties incurred are duplicated too. If a crew member is not willing to keep the fines and bounties in their name then they have the option to leave without them, but it means they leave their profits too.
It's amazing what you find on Google |
We will be able to admire ourselves and our crew with a new 'fully fledged' camera system. Hopefully more of a camera mounted drone than the 'Selfie Stick' we currently have, if the in game shots from the recent trailers are anything to go by.
Another tidbit that many people seem to have missed is that Frontier are working on implementing 'Ship Naming' as mentioned on a Dev Livestream before the Christmas period. I for one look forward to having 'RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION' stencilled next to the cockpit of my Fer De Lance.
13/02 Update
Confirmation that the livestream on the 14th with heavily feature the Commander Creator, where you personalise your in game avatar for all to see, and the new and improved Vanity Camera. As a teaser to the livestream, Frontier released the following picture onto the forums.
It's a face and it fits! |
If you look to the bottom centre of the image you can see the label 'Ship Cockpit Front'. This suggests that not only is there more that one cockpit camera angle, but there may be internal cameras around other parts of the ship. Around the edge of the above image, you can see various camera effect controls such as zoom, depth of field and blur all with separate controls for adjustments. There is also a '0M' in the top right, possibly a distance reading for when the camera is in an external view and a 'hide UI' command to give you those clean shots. Finally there is the exit command set to 'Left CTRL + Left ALT + Space', the default command to enter the current external camera, suggesting this is a full replacement of that camera.
Now for a closer look at the pilot herself.
As you can see, you'll be able to customise the suits colour and patterning, including the underlayer if the above trailer and images are anything to go by. The shoulder plates may be where you can place decals on your suit. Whether it'll be just your rank or other decals too, we will see. You can also see the probably customisable lights of the suits haptic interface and those on the torso and arms.
Excuse the pixelation, original image is 720. |
First thing you notice about the pilot is she is not wearing a helmet. Seemingly a rather suicidal decision given the likelyhood of a canopy breach, however she is wearing a Remlok as labelled over her collarbones. A Remlok was first described in the novella 'The Dark Wheel' which came with the original Elite, as a bulky collar that is worn around the neck. On exposure to vacuum the collar deploys a hood and visor to allow the wearer to continue breathing for a short time using the built in oxygen tank and air scrubber. It works in a similar manner to this new bicycle helmet, but with an airtight visor:
As well as the usual face-moulding slew of sliders, there seems to be quite a few details such as freckles, character ageing, natural variance to the skin tone, make up and fatiguing (dark eye circles). If you look at the hair, you can see individual strands standing slightly proud from the pilots hair do. You can also see variation in the colour tones of the hair, makes a change from the 'freshly dyed' block colour hair that you see in many games. Personally I look forward to seeing what a 'Max Slider' Character looks like before i settle down and replicate my own visage.